How Your Business Registration Location Dictates Where You Can Sell Your Cosmetic Products
The cosmetic industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving markets in the world. With an ever-growing consumer base and continuous innovations, we know firsthand that brands are constantly seeking new opportunities to expand their reach. This blog is intended for businesses in the UK, EU, and globally, aiming to help them understand the restrictions on selling cosmetic products based on their business registration location.
Where Can You Sell Your Products If You Have A Registered Adress In Great Britain Only?
Answer: With a registered address in Great Britain, you are only legally eligible to sell your cosmetic products to consumers across England, Wales, and Scotland.
Options: If you wish to expand sales to include the whole of the UK, including Northern Ireland then you’ll need to register a business in the appropriate territory or use a third party such as COSMESURE® to represent your products. If you wish to expand sales to include the whole of the European Union (EU), including Northern Ireland, then the same rules apply.
Where Can You Sell Your Products If You Have A Registered Adress In Northern Ireland?
Answer: With a registered address in Northern Ireland, under the current agreements you are legally eligible to sell your cosmetic products to consumers across Northern Ireland, Great Britain, and the European Union.
Options: Although you enjoy the freedom to sell your products in the UK as well as the EU single market you can still outsource the obligations of the Responsible Person to an expert third party such as COSMESURE®.
Where Can You Sell Your Products If You Have A Registered Adress In A European Union Member State?
Answer: With a registered address in an EU member state, you are only legally eligible to sell your cosmetic products to consumers in EU member states and Northern Ireland.
Options: If you wish to expand sales to include Great Britain, you’ll need to register a business in the appropriate territory or use a third party such as COSMESURE® to represent your products.
What If You’re Based In The Rest Of The World?
Answer: With only a registered address in a country such as the United States of America, Australia, China or Korea, etc you are not legally eligible to sell your products in either the UK or the EU.
Options: To gain access to the UK/EU markets you’ll need to register a business in the appropriate territories or use a trusted expert third party such as COSMESURE® to represent your portfolio products.
How COSMESURE® Can Assist:
If you’re based outside of a market and you’d like to unlock it to reach new consumers then you have options to explore. You can register a business in the appropriate territory and assume the obligations of the Responsible Person, or you can outsource the obligations to a trusted third-party specialist and use their in-market expertise to support you on your journey.
Reach out to COSMESURE® for a zero-obligation quotation at